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from mitbbs: 20 Questions for venture capital

Scott 发表于 2010-6-10 08:52:50 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
发信人: tomlikeit (yes!), 信区: StartUp
标  题: 贡献:20 Questions for venture capital
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Fri May 30 22:09:43 2008)

It is my notes from a VC talk.

1. What problem does this product solve?

2. How does this solve this problem?  Need to solve 100% of the problem, not
just 90% of it.

3. Who are the end users of this product

4. Who is your revenue-supplying customer?  How to satify the ender users
and the payers.

5. Does this product solve a problem that end-user/revenue supplying
customerr really have?

6. Are you sure it is a product and not just a "feature"?

7. Doess this product fit into the way that people work?

8. Are you too involved in how you build it rather than what you are
building?  Concentrate the goal, technique does not take over what the end-
user need.

9. Who are the potential partners? Who are the required partners?  Hard to
get banks, hollerwood, cellphone companies to be parters.  Need to
understand the partners.  First to get those companies support. Don't spend
all the times on easy jobs because they are easy.

10. What is the go-to-market strategy?  For example, Target a small group
first.  Do things for small groups who are rich.

11. What is your sustainable competitive advantage?  Do you have the
competitive advantage?  Can you keep it?

12. Do you have a time-to-market/first-mover advantage?  It is not good to
be too late or too early.  9 months before the limitation is going to be
broken is a good timing.  Spot the trend.

13. Can you be number 1 or number 2 in this space?  Who is the competitor?
Always assume your competitor is smarter than you.

14. Is there a team formed/identified with a record of successful vetures?
Have they done this before?

15. Is there a "soul" of the team that knows where this product and business
is going for the next few years?

16. Is anyone on the team insane? Get ride of that person.

17. Are there product/tech/operation barriers to success?  Can they be

18. Are there any sale/marketing barriers to success?

19. Are there any legal barriers?

20. Is there an exit strategy?  IPO or enough possible acquisition
candidates to make acquisition for a large amount of money.  Not a living-

The IPO goal is
1. 50 million
2. 20% revonue growth
3. 20% profit

※ 来源:·WWW 未名空间站 海外: mitbbs.com 中国: mitbbs.cn·[FROM: 155.98.]
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